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Historical Event on 4/24/1918

Durgaprasad Dhar, former Vice President of Planning Commission, was born.

Other Historical Dates and Events
10/23/1898Khandubhai K. Desai, politician and social reformer, was born at Bulsar in Gujarat.
9/5/1918Ratanji Jamshetji Tata, famous Indian industrialist and social reformer, died.
10/5/1989Meerasahib Fatima Beevi, former High Court judge from Kerala, was named the first woman judge of the Supreme Court.
2/23/1962Union government sets up an Indian National Committee for Space Research (INCOSPAR) formed by the Department of Atomic Energy and work on Thumba Equatorial Rocket Launching Station (TERLS) started.
8/20/1979Indian premier Charan Singh resigns.
2/5/1630Har Rai, Sikh Guru, was born.
1/18/1992Ordinance cuts minimum poll campaign time to 14 days from 20 days.
11/14/1919Anantrao Bhalerao, freedom fighter, journalist and editor of daily news paper ""Marathawada"", was born.
4/14/1919Gandhiji confesses at Nadiad his ""Himalayan Miscalculation"" regarding satyagraha martial law declared in Punjab.
12/13/2000All 12 battalions of the Manipur Rifles Personnel strike from work.